If you are convicted a second time of DWI within 5 to 10 years of your first DWI, depending on the statutes of your state steeper penalties will apply to your case. These penalties can have a lasting impact on your life as they will affect your future.
When charges are being placed against you, prosecutors will check your prior criminal history. If you received a first offense DWI within 5 to 10 years before your second offense DWI you will be charged with a second offense DWI that carries heavier penalties.
Penalties for a second offense driving while intoxicated are much harsher and vary from the penalties of your first DWI. These penalties are harsher because the state hopes to deter you from operating a motor vehicle under the influence of an intoxicating substance a second time. Conviction can also come along with aggravators in some states. For example, if you are driving over a certain speed limit while intoxicated you could be placed in jail for a longer period of time. Another example is refusal to submit to a chemical test, or having an alcohol concentration topping out way above the 0.08% that is governed by statute.
Penalties for a Second Offense DWI within a 5 to 10 year period can include jail time from 90 days up to one year, serving a probationary period, fines costing $300 up to over $1000, restitution fees, mandatory DWI school attendance, mandatory attendance at a drug and/or alcohol treatment program, suspension of your driver’s license for 2 years, having your vehicle impounded for up to 30 days, or having a ignition lock placed on your car for a specific amount of time.
You will have to list 2 DWI convictions on any job applications you put in. Also, your car insurance will be cancelled and be non-renewable. With suspension of your license, impounding of your car, or an ignition lock you may lose your job, or find it hard to get to your job.
Being incarcerated for a period of time or losing your only means of transportation can complicate your life and the lives of your family. Before you go to court remember that you still have rights even though you have a prior conviction. This is a serious matter and must not be taken lightly. At DWILawyers.com you can search for a DWI attorney in your area. They will be able to contact you to discuss your situation. Fill out the free consultation form today to schedule a meeting.